PocketSoothe Version 1.0

(Copyright 2000, Scott Koon. All rights reserved)

NOTICE: This software is for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be an accurate forecasting tool. Any losses or damages incurred through the use of this software are the sole responsibility of the end-user.

Using PocketSoothe:

To launch PocketSoothe, choose "TheSoothe" from your launch window (see figure below).



Once launched, you should see the following screen.



Frame a "yes or no" question in your mind. Once you have your question, speak it aloud and tap within the Soothe's box (the double bordered square). You will see the screen change as your question is pondered. Within seconds, an answer should appear.



If you are running the registered version and would like to better your odds of getting a positive or negative answer, press the "menu" silk-screen button and the following menu will appear.



By choosing "Good Only" you will receive positive and inconclusive answers. Choosing "Bad Only" will cause the Soothe to offer only negative and inconclusive answers. Choosing "Normal" will return the Soothe to normal operation.